WhiteChurch Parish

Eco-Congregation Ireland

Church of Ireland members take to the sea to pray for climate justice

Members of seven Dublin churches, including Whitechurch and Rathfarnham Church of Ireland parishes, took to the sea on 31st August 2014 at Killiney Beach, Co Dublin, to stand in solidarity with people suffering from the impacts of climate change.

The Eco-Congregation Ireland (ECI) prayer service was one of dozens of similar events held around the world in the run up to the UN Conference on Small Island Developing States, which takes place in Samoa from 1st to 4th September 2014. Photos of all the events, including a similar prayer service held at Loughros Point, Donegal, earlier in the month, have been sent by the global campaign group, Our Voices, to the UN conference as a sign of support.

The worshippers, who also included members of the Roman Catholic and Lutheran churches and the Religious Society of Friends (Quakers), joined in prayers, hymns and a Celtic lament to remember people both here and overseas who are affected by rising sea-levels, floods, droughts, poverty and famine caused by extreme weather events.  

“Praying in the Sea is a dramatic way of demonstrating our concern as Christians for those most by affected by climate change: the poorest people of the world,” says ECI chairperson, Ven Andrew Orr. “We particularly think of those living in island communities and in low-lying coastal areas who are in real danger of losing their homes, their livelihoods and even their entire countries.

“Those most affected by climate change are often those who have done least to cause it.  Praying in the Sea reminds each of us in the developed world that we need to take a very hard look at our lifestyles, which are directly affecting our fellow human beings and the planet. Finding ways to reduce our carbon footprint is an urgent task for all those who believe in protecting God’s creation.”

ECI is an inter-church project that encourages churches to take an eco-friendly approach to worship, lifestyle, property and finance management, youth ministry, community outreach and contact with the developing world. For further information see www.ecocongregationireland.com.

Photo caption: Members of seven Dublin churches who took part in a Praying in the Sea event on Killiney Beach standing in solidarity with people suffering as a result of climate change

Contact: Karen Nicholson, Communications Officer, Eco-Congregation Ireland
Tel: 086 1706923 Email:info@ecocongregationireland.com

Ven Andrew Orr, Chairperson, Eco-Congregation Ireland
Tel: 087 4196051 Email: andreworr1234@gmail.com

Rev Trevor Sargent, Church of Ireland Representative. Tel: 087 254 7836 Email: sargentt@tcd.ie


Eco-Congregation Ireland (ECI) encourages churches of all denominations to take an eco approach to worship, lifestyle, property and finance management, community outreach and contact with the developing world.

Our vision is to see churches of all denominations throughout Ireland celebrate the gift of God’s creation, recognise the inter-dependence of all creation and care for it in their life and mission and through members’ personal lifestyles.

We ask Christians everywhere to reflect on the beauty of God’s world and to consider what practical steps can be taken to prevent further damage to the environment. Also, to pray for our wounded planet, for people in the developing world already affected by climate change and for future generations.

ECI is a project initiated by the Church in Society Forum – a standing committee of the Irish Inter-Church Meeting. The Roman Catholic, Church of Ireland, Presbyterian and Methodist churches are involved as well as the Religious Society of Friends (Quakers).

We offer resources and support to help churches take practical eco action in the context of their Christian faith. A simple church check-list (Resources, section 1) helps churches assess what they are already doing and determine future priorities. Once you have completed this check-list, you are on your way to becoming an eco-congregation!

Our resources also include sections on Worship and Teaching, Children’s and Youth Work, Property and Grounds Management, Finance and Waste, Personal Lifestyles, Working with the Local Community and Thinking Globally. These are all free to download.

Churches can work through, say, three sections in one year. Or they may choose to take a more ad-hoc approach. Whatever suits!

The resources are designed to enable congregations to be self-sufficient in their eco work and monitor their own progress. But, for admin, networking and funding purposes, we’d appreciate if you register your interest with us by completing the form on page 11 of Section 1 and send it to Eco-Congregation Ireland, c/o 18 Hermitage Downs, Grange Road, Dublin 16.We will then send you a starter pack, which includes an Eco-Congregation Ireland folder.

We have a great line-up of speakers …..so put the date in your diary now!

For further information on Eco-Congregation Ireland, please click on the following link

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