WhiteChurch Parish

Badminton 25th Anniversary

On Wednesday 11th December Whitechurch Parish Badminton Club held their combined Christmas and 25th Anniversary party in the Old Schools.It was great to see faces of past and current members! There was fun badminton followed by a great selection of food!

Many thanks to Sylvia who as always put so much work into making it such a successful night! Bring on the next 25 years!!

Wedding Bells

On Saturday 23rd November, we celebrated the Wedding of Rolyen Hontiveros and Nigel Tennant.  The wedding took place in the church and was a beautiful occasion. 

It is always special to have a church wedding and this was no different. We wish Yen and Nigel a long, happy and healthy married life together.

Holy Baptim

Last Sunday, the 1st of December we had the pleasure of baptising Sophia Lily Hiebner. Another lovely baptism and again great to welcome her into the family of the church. Also, a pleasure to see so many of her family and friends here to support her. 

Holy Baptism

On Sunday 24th November we welcomed Max Har O’Neill into the family of the church. We baptised him on The Sunday when we celebrated The Kingship of Christ. It was a joy and a pleasure to share this happy event with his family, godparents and friends!

Youth Club Returns

Holy Baptism

On Friday 8th November we welcomed Zack Adam Kovac into the family of the Church. It was a special service and we wish Zack well on his life journey!

Updated Sunday Club Poster

Holy Baptism Sunday 3rd November 2024

On Sunday 3rd November we celebrated the baptism of Hailey Ann Kelly. It was wonderful to welcome Hailey into the family of the church.

Harvest Thanksgiving Service
20th October 2024

On Sunday 20th October we welcomed the Rev’d Isy Hawthorne-Steele from Greenisland Parish to preach at our Harvest Thanksgiving.  Isy is an engaging and thought provoking preacher! The generous collection went towards the Greenisland parish rebuilding fund.


Many thanks to all who decorated the church so beautifully for the service.


Wedding Bells

Congratulations to Suzanne Gray and Adam Keane who were married last Thursday 10th October in St Mary’s Abbey Church of Ireland in Ardee.

Rev’d David had the privilege of officiating at the wedding. Suzanne is a parishioner and attended Whitechurch NS. What a wonderful couple and an amazing day!

We wish them all God’s blessings as they begin their married life together.

Pet Service 6th October 2024

On Sunday 6th of October we held a Blessing of Pets Service.  It was wonderful to welcome all creatures great and small to be blessed.  The church was unscathed as we blessed dogs, cats, a budgie, a rabbit and even a fifty-something year old tortoise named Trotters!

Defibrillator Training

On Monday 23rd September, 12 parishioners underwent defibrillator training.  Many thanks to Colm Foley who so engagingly taught us about what to do in the unlikely event that someone needs medical attention before the emergency services arrive.

Back to Church Sunday and BBQ

On Sunday 22nd of September we held our Back to Church and School Service & BBQ in the Church and its grounds.  It was great to see so many people enjoying the service & BBQ from school and parish alike. A special thanks to those who were confirmed this year who led the service so well.  Also thanks to those we cooked up a storm and also provided refreshments in the Old Schools too!  The weather behaved and the ice creams, burgers and hot dogs were much enjoyed by those of all ages!


John Dexter's Retirement Presentation

On Sunday 8th September John Dexter led the Choir for the last time as Director of Music.  John has been Director of Music for 23 years in Whitechurch and we marked this occasion with a presentation following the service from the choir and also from the parish and select vestry.  Both John and Alison will be greatly missed. We are delighted that they will still be joining us occasionally and John has offered his services to deputise when needed if he is available!  Many thanks to both John and Alison for all they have contributed to the parish, it is impossible to guess the positive impact that they have made over the years.

Baptism Sunday 18th August 2024

On Sunday 18th August we welcomed Maia Macken into the family of the church.  See photo of Maia and her family.

Pulpit Swap Sunday 11th August

On Sunday 11th August a pulpit swap took place between Whitechurch and St Brigid’s in Stillorgan.

It was lovely to welcome Rev’d Kevin Conroy back to Whitechurch.  Also Rev’d David received a great welcome from the parishioners of St Brigid’s and All Saints, the parish where he grew up!


Interfaith Golf Outing Grange Golf Club 2024
We held a great Interfaith Golf Outing On 27th June in Grange Golf Club
Special Congratulations to the Whitechurch team of Brian Pollock, Steven Anderson, Robin Benn and Alan Worrell who came second out of about 25 teams and also to David Hunt who won closest to the line! We look forward to next year and continuing our winning streak!
Prize Winners 
1st Prize – Muriel Doyle, Felicity Coll, Muriel Fitzgerald and Carol Loftus from Ballyroan Church.
2nd Prize – Steven Anderson, Robin Benn, Brian Pollock and Alan Worrell from Whitechurch Parish.
3rd Prize – Ross Sargeant, Jean Lew, Stan Lew and Jeff Sargeant from Rathfarnham Parish.
4th Prize – Cathal McCarthy, Denis O’Callaghan, Shay Keenan and Dan Steen from Church of Annunciation, Rathfarnham.
5th Prize – Fergal Duffy, Kevin Hughes, Liam O’Connor and Sean Kelleher from St. Mary’s Boys National School.
Nearest the line – David Hunt from Whitechurch Parish.
Nearest the pin – Men’s – Eamonn Brett from Church of Annunciation Rathfarnham.
Nearest the pin – Ladies – Maureen Nolan form Rathfarnham Parish RC.

St. Colmcille's Well Service
Sunday 9th June 2024

On Sunday afternoon, approx. 120 people travelled to St Colmcille’s Well from Knocklyon Car Park to celebrate St Colmcille’s  (Columba’s) Day.  Even  though it rained, it couldn’t dampen the spirits and we really enjoyed music, prayer and worship along with building up ecumenical relations!

See photo of Rev’d David with Parish Priest Fr. Cyril Ming Ma and Deacon Michael Giblin of Knocklyon Parish.


Reg's Retirement Presentation Photographs

During coffee on Sunday 9th June following the 10.30am service with marked Reg Richards’ retirement. He received a presentation and many parishioners and family members turned out to show their appreciation for all Reg did in the parish over many years, in so many different ways.

Youth Club Archery Trip 2024

Recently the Youth Club went on an Archery outing. It was a great morning! Many thanks for the leaders who gave up their time and especially Zoe who organised the trip

Confirmation Class Trip

Last week some of the confirmation class went Ziplining in Zipit. Although it was a bit wet, a great time was had by all, even the Rector!

Spring Quiz Results 2024

Confirmation Class 2024

The Confirmation Service was held in Taney Church this year on Sunday 12th May. Congratulations to all the Whitechurch candidates.

Spring Fete 2024

Bowls Dinner 2024

Palm Sunday 24th March 2024

On Palm Sunday, prior to our service with our dramatised Passion, Dolly the donkey lead us in our procession from the Old Schools Hall, to the Stables and back to the church.
Many thanks to Norah who brought and accompanied Dolly on our journey!

Whitechurch Bowls Winners Again

Congratulations again to Whitechurch Bowls Club. Along with the Price Cup win (on a previous post), they also won the Rohu Cup and the Miller trophy!
Roll on next year!

Daffodil Day 2024

Men's Breakfast March 2024

We enjoyed a great Men’s Breakfast on Saturday 9th March 2024 in Grange Golf Club. Many thanks to our speaker, the Warden of St Columba’s College, Mark Boobbyer for his engaging and thought provoking talk. 

Also, to Grange Golf Club for their hospitality and Rev’d Michael Heaney and Har Allison for organising and running it on the day.

Whitechurch Bowls

Congratulations to Whitechurch Bowls Club team on winning the Price Cup 2024.

Scouts Founders and Guides Thinking Day


On Sunday 25th of February at 10.30am we helped to celebrate Scouts Founders and Guides Thinking Day in Whitechurch Parish with a parade service.  It was a pleasure to welcome members of the Brownies, Cubs, Guides and Scouts who did their units proud as the paraded with their flags into the church.  They took part by also reading the lessons and taking up the collection.  It is wonderful to have such a strong relationship between parish and these youth organisations, long may it continue!

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