Parish Information
Sunday Services
8.30 am
10.30 am
Wheelchair access at all times
Mid-Week Service (+Prayer for the sick) – 10.30 a.m. Wednesday.
Wedding Fee
Burial Fees:
Opening of New Grave
Re-opening of existing Grave
Erection of Headstone
Erection of Flatstone
Erection of Surrounds
Cremation Plots 2ft.x 2ft.
Re-opening of Cremation Plot
Only members of the parish are eligible for graves (apart from those who already own existing grave plots).
Advance booking of burial plots not permitted.
Rector: Rev’d David Bowles.
Parish Reader : Con Power
Parish Overseas Link: Rwandan Project.
Arthur Milligan Tel. 01 4932509, Har Allison Tel. 01 4945931,
David Hunt, Malcolm Hunt.
Churchwardens 2023-24:
Audrey McGrath– Rector’s Warden.
Harold Hislop – People’s Warden.
Select Vestry 2023 – 2024: Steven Anderson, Bruce Burgess, Audrey Champ, Geoffrey Conn (Hon Treasurer), Ruth Gaskin (Hon. Secretary), David Hunt, Janine Jamieson, Tom Jenner, Keith Quinn, Jeremy Russell, Gillian Ryan, Hugh St. Leger.
Parochial Nominators 2023-2026: Rhodanne Heaney, David Hunt, Ruth Gaskin, Steven Anderson.
Supplemental Nominators: 2023-2026: Malcolm Hunt, Janine Jamieson, Sylvia Hick, Hugh St. Ledger.
Diocesan Synodspersons:2023 -2026: Harold Hislop, Hugh St. Ledger, Jane Kelly.
Supplemental Synodspersons: 2023-2026: Gillian Ryan, Lenore Rothwell O’Kane, Bruce Burgess.
Authorised to administer the Chalice: Audrey Champ, Lenore Rothwell O’Kane, Harold Hislop, Colin Graham, Mena Ogodo, Jane Kelly, Thomas Jenner, Steven Anderson, David Hunt, Gillian Ryan, Con Power, David Williams.
Aaron Marchant
Church Flowers: Gillian Ryan 087 1216445
Glebewardens: Gerry Pullman, Keith Quinn.
Altar Linen: Nellie Gough
Sunday School Superintendent: Janine Jamieson Tel: 4061 847
[ For children from 4 years old.]
Youth Group: Zoe Mulligan
Whitechurch National School: Sarah Richards [Principal] Tel: 4942177
School P.T.A. 2022-2023:
Rachel O’Donoghue (Chairperson)
Etain Magennis (Treasurer)
Jennifer Donnelly (Secretary)
Sarah Richards (Principal)
Miriam Barry (Teachers nominee)
David O’Donoghue (Board of Management Parent nominee)
Sinéad Mc Goran (Board of Management Parent nominee)
Stefania Ivaturi (Extra-Curricular Activities) (Purchasing & Media)
Zoe Phelan (Extra-Curricular Activities May Fete Committee & Fundraising)
Sarah Courtenay (Communications)
Catherine Bell (PTA Class Rep Liaison)
Jenny Sherwin May Fete Committee Rep & Fundraising
Angela Hennessy May Fete Committee Rep
Jill Moffett (Hockey Committee Representative)
Board of Management:Board of Management
Rev. David Bowles (Chairperson)
Mr. Gerry Pullman (Patrons nominee)
Mr. Geoff Sparling (Community nominee)
Ms. Sinéad Mc Goran (Mothers nominee)
Ms. Sarah Richards (Principal)
Ms. Judy Brown (Teachers nominee)
Mr. David O’Donoghue (Fathers nominee)
Ms. Pat Marchant (Community nominee)
Whitechurch News: Editor: Gail Garry
Healer Prayer Union: Hazel Crawford Tel. 4946918.
Mothers’ Union: Gillian Butler 0861536901
Alpha Course: Michael & Rhodanne Heaney, Tel. 086 265 1791
Bible Study: Michael & Rhodanne Heaney, Tel. 086 265 1791
Bible Reading Notes: Rhodanne Heaney, Tel: 01 493 1167.
Whitechurch Cub Scouts : Glen Vince.
Whitechurch Guides: Ruth Hughes 087 2959 245
Whitechurch Brownies : Hazel Furlong.
Badminton: Sylvia Simpson Tel. 086 364 7746.
Bowling Club: Peter Osman. Tel: 087 2254463
C.of I. Gazette: Parish Office Tel: 01 493 4972
Church Review: Heather Plummer . Tel: 01 4944 809
Eco congregation Rep. Pamela Sheil. Tel 01 4933 359
Parish Archivist: Leslie McQueston, Tel: 01 494 3774.
Parish Financial Scheme: Bruce Burgess (Administrator), Gail McGrane (Treasurer/Recorder),
Geoffrey Conn( Parish Treasurer), Lenore Rothwell O’Kane, Current Churchwardens.
Safeguarding Trust Parish Panel: Rector, Hugh St. Leger, Ruth Hughes, Don Lewis.
Select Vestry’s Old Schools Administration Committee:
Janine Jamieson [Chairperson] Tel 086 3175900, Jeremy Russell, Kathleen Swanton, Bruce Burgess.
Stables Management Committee:
Jackie Jolley [Chairperson] Tel.01 494 3310, Philip Champ, Tony Sutton.
School Secretary: Laoighse De Burca Tel: 01 494 2177 (office).
Parish office Tel/Fax 01 493 4972, and
Rector’s P.A. Janet Gillis [ Monday – Thursday 9.00am – 1.00pm]
Parish Website:
External Resources that use the Old Schools & Stables
Whitechurch Day-Care
[Age Care] Service [under the auspices of the Health Board].
Supervisor: Isolde DeLaCruz 086 0269719
Montessori School. Enquiries to Abi Acheson Tel. 087 6759599..